EDUCATIONAL OFFER of the Department of Engineering for Innovation
AY 2022-2023

For any further information:

Educational Offer

THREE-YEAR DEGREE (Bachelor's Degree) 2nd CYCLE DEGREE  (Master's Degree)  Doctor of Philosophy
Civil Engineering (in Italian at Lecce) Aerospace Engineering (in English at Brindisi) Materials, Structural Engineering and NanoTechnologies
Industrial Engineering (in Italian at Lecce and Brindisi) Civil Engineering (in Italian at Lecce) Engineering of Complex Systems
Information Engineering (in Italian at Lecce) Communication Engineering and Electronic Technologies (in English at Lecce)  
Biomedical Engineering (in Italian at Lecce) Management Engineering (in English at Lecce)  
Sustainable Industry Engineering (in Italian at Lecce) Computer Engineering (in Italian at Lecce)  
Aerospace Systems Engineering (in English at Taranto) Material Engineering and Nanotechnology (in English at Lecce)  


Mechanical Engineering (in Italian at Lecce)  


Energy Engineering (in English at Lecce)